
New donation from the Love for Community Program for schoolchildren and basketball players in Stoja

Pula – Cement factory Calucem and Stoja Elementary School has been nurturing good neighborly relations for years.

This Pula company supports the work of schools and institutions that promote the quality of life and the environment, and even before this year’s Christmas and New year holidays, as part of the the program “Love for Community”, they have donated funds to the School to complete the equipping of the school’s IT cabinet. “In the light of years of cooperation and good neighborly relations, Calucem d.o.o. has donated part of its funds to the Stoja Elementary School this year too. This time, the equipment for the specialized IT cabinet for lower grades was purchased, and the cabinet has now been equipped with twelve new computers with i3 processors and didactic IMO cubes that will certainly make IT teaching even more attractive and helping students acquire new knowledge.

The company Calucem has been following the work of the Stoja Elementary School for years, and helps and improves the School’s work with such donations. I believe that this good practice will continue next year and that we will continue to be good neighbors who listen to and understand each other’s needs”, said the principal of Stoja Elementary School Zoran Bjelopetrović while thanking for this donation.
Long-standing friendships were confirmed this December with the Stoja Basketball Club, and with great wishes to continue to perform successfully in competitions of all age categories in the upcoming year, the Club received financial support in the amount of 15.000 kuna from Calucem.

“On behalf of the BC Stoja, I would like to thank you for your constant contribution to our Club. For many years, your financia support has helped us to continue our mission, and together with you, we help our local community. The generosity of individuals like you makes our association, i.e. the amateur sports club BC Stoja, still exist and in synergy with all contributors help those who need it most, namely our children.” We thank you for your support, said BC Stoja President Šime Vidulin, added that he hopes to continue this successful cooperation in the future.

With this donation and sponsorship, as before, Calucem wants to show that they care about local community needs and want to actively contribute to raising the quality of life in the community.

„We are proud that with our Love for Community Program, the cement factory in Pula contributes to raising the quality of life of our citizens, especially our youngest. Once again, we have shown that by joining forces and long-standing cooperation, we can successfully influence the realization of the projects of our fellow citizens, and we look forward to joint future cooperation” commenting on these activities as part of the program “Love for Community”, said Calucem CEO Yuri Bouwhuis.